What can i say about NYC. I guess first off let me say thanks to Ivy, Calvin and PickleJuice for letting me stay with them for an entire 2 weeks ! not many people would do that for friends.. you guys are the FUNK.. and anything you need i got you. PickleJuice don't let charley talk shit.. Mike and Haley thanks for the dinners. Haley thanks for the early invite.. it was pretty awesome to surprise someone.. i dont think i've ever done that before. Mike thanks for being my boy.. the advice and the usual guidance around the city. Can't wait to get back and see everyone again.

The Trip
What can i say. This was one of those trips that was life changing. Really was. I got to feel like i lived in the greatest city in the world for an entire 2 weeks. I really got to know the city for the most part. I mean before i've only gone for a few days and gone here and there. But this time around i really took my time walking around and going places by myself. Trying to read the train maps and making believe i knew where i was going when half the time i was just really walking in circles. I got to hang out with friends i havent seen in a long time and do things i wouldn't do in miami. Got to see some amazing art. Classical and contemporary. Saw some
Rembrandt's i hadn't seen before.. the Frick collection is truly, truly mind blowing. The Met of course is always incredible. To Go from Sargent, Goya, Vermeer, Ingres, to Pollock to Chuck Close and Andy Warhol. It's incredible to see it right in front of you. These are some of the paintings that have molded history you know. These paintings of George Washington and Andrew Jackson are Historical accounts of our nations history.. It's kinda hard to wrap your head around it.
We also ate and some pretty incredible places. I love a city with a deep sense of history and culture. Me, Mike and Haley ate one night at one of the oldest Speak Easy's in NYC. It was right near Union Square. Incredible food. Calvin, have to give a big thanks to Calvin. He truly has a great sense of the city. On the real, like from the birds that populate the local parks to the flowers in bloom, the history of certain areas and the cultures of the people. He also knows exactly where to go depending what you want to eat of course. We got some awesome Dim Sum in Brooklyn (actually went back 3 times, yeah that good!), crazy hot dogs in Flatbush and the best bacon, egg and cheese bagel every created by man. He even cooked one night a delicious red tomato sauce with lamb meat and pasta.. took a while but it was awesome. He's one of those guys that you want to be as smart as him one day you know what i mean ? Thanks again Calvin, if theres ever anything you need, let me know. Also got to hang out with some new friends, David and Tatiana.. awesome artist awesome people.. thanks for the tour around soho and Union Square lol we walked for like 4 hours !
Haley Jane invited me early out to NYC to catch the return show of Schoch O Lautte. This is a pic taken from my iPhone at GlassLands

Michael P outside the MET. This was the first time we went out there
Me outside the MET. Taken by Michael P.

Don't remember the exact painter but this is prolly my favorite painting in the MET collection.

Dean and Delucca is just the funk.. i love that place !
I could go on and on about NYC, i have ALOT of photos from the trip but i guess i should end it kinda short. Once again i want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. I've been depressed in Miami the last few months and this trip definatly helped me out. I was wrapped in this bubble and it seem to never pop. Although some things still linger you guys showed me that there soo much world out there. God truly created a huge place and life is too short to live in one place.
Thanks to everyone and i love you all. See you in August ......
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