Thursday, July 15, 2010

new blog

im working on redoing this whole blog.. this is too simple.. cool but too simple

inspiration -->

Monday, May 10, 2010

Frank Frazetta 1928 - 2010

The art world lost one of the greats today. When i started drawing seriously around the age of 12 there was 2 things i liked drawing on a constant. One was graffiti and the other was Frazetta's girls and monster's. Although i never really took to creating my own fantasy art, I filled countless pads of paper with Frazetta copies. My instructor at the time Ricardo Irazari had an amazing collection of prints and books by Frazetta and I would work on full scale charcoal copies every week of one or two of his pieces. He was a great inspiration to me and to many others. For more info on Frazetta check out these links...

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Hung out again this weekend at the Wynwood Penit. Feels awesome to get back to what initially inspired me to get into art. My roots are in graff and i've missed it. Altough i did a bit in college it wasn't really the same. I miss the days hangin out with T and him just showing me all bout tips and letter and everything. I also remember the first time i met FREEK and some of the other guys in DAM and i was like whoooa. That was an inspiring time. I was young and i was around the best writers in miami at the time and since.
I been designing some walls and im trying to get a wall somewhere in the wynwood district... maybe ill scan some of the designs tomorrow and let you guys see.. maybe.
Here are some pics of me and Christy over at the penit messing around. Between writing and looking at pieces we managed to get some shots in. Let me know what you guys think.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New York at a glance

What can i say about NYC. I guess first off let me say thanks to Ivy, Calvin and PickleJuice for letting me stay with them for an entire 2 weeks ! not many people would do that for friends.. you guys are the FUNK.. and anything you need i got you. PickleJuice don't let charley talk shit.. Mike and Haley thanks for the dinners. Haley thanks for the early invite.. it was pretty awesome to surprise someone.. i dont think i've ever done that before. Mike thanks for being my boy.. the advice and the usual guidance around the city. Can't wait to get back and see everyone again.

The Trip

What can i say. This was one of those trips that was life changing. Really was. I got to feel like i lived in the greatest city in the world for an entire 2 weeks. I really got to know the city for the most part. I mean before i've only gone for a few days and gone here and there. But this time around i really took my time walking around and going places by myself. Trying to read the train maps and making believe i knew where i was going when half the time i was just really walking in circles. I got to hang out with friends i havent seen in a long time and do things i wouldn't do in miami. Got to see some amazing art. Classical and contemporary. Saw some
Rembrandt's i hadn't seen before.. the Frick collection is truly, truly mind blowing. The Met of course is always incredible. To Go from Sargent, Goya, Vermeer, Ingres, to Pollock to Chuck Close and Andy Warhol. It's incredible to see it right in front of you. These are some of the paintings that have molded history you know. These paintings of George Washington and Andrew Jackson are Historical accounts of our nations history.. It's kinda hard to wrap your head around it.
We also ate and some pretty incredible places. I love a city with a deep sense of history and culture. Me, Mike and Haley ate one night at one of the oldest Speak Easy's in NYC. It was right near Union Square. Incredible food. Calvin, have to give a big thanks to Calvin. He truly has a great sense of the city. On the real, like from the birds that populate the local parks to the flowers in bloom, the history of certain areas and the cultures of the people. He also knows exactly where to go depending what you want to eat of course. We got some awesome Dim Sum in Brooklyn (actually went back 3 times, yeah that good!), crazy hot dogs in Flatbush and the best bacon, egg and cheese bagel every created by man. He even cooked one night a delicious red tomato sauce with lamb meat and pasta.. took a while but it was awesome. He's one of those guys that you want to be as smart as him one day you know what i mean ? Thanks again Calvin, if theres ever anything you need, let me know. Also got to hang out with some new friends, David and Tatiana.. awesome artist awesome people.. thanks for the tour around soho and Union Square lol we walked for like 4 hours !
Haley Jane invited me early out to NYC to catch the return show of Schoch O Lautte. This is a pic taken from my iPhone at GlassLands

Michael P outside the MET. This was the first time we went out there

Me outside the MET. Taken by Michael P.

Jackson Pollock Autumn Rhythm number 50, 1950
Don't remember the exact painter but this is prolly my favorite painting in the MET collection.

This was taken at that Speak Easy After me and Mike had hit the MET all day we met up with Haley Jane and hung out at the MOMA for a bit and went and got some food. This place was really awesome. Can't wait to go back.

Dean and Delucca is just the funk.. i love that place !

I could go on and on about NYC, i have ALOT of photos from the trip but i guess i should end it kinda short. Once again i want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. I've been depressed in Miami the last few months and this trip definatly helped me out. I was wrapped in this bubble and it seem to never pop. Although some things still linger you guys showed me that there soo much world out there. God truly created a huge place and life is too short to live in one place.
Thanks to everyone and i love you all. See you in August ......

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


i have alot of stuff i need to post !

Sunday, March 21, 2010

before elysium

Peligro gave me the name for the book last night.. It suits it perfectly..

before elysium

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Ill be going to NYC soon for 2 weeks. Ill be documenting the entire trip. What i seek to find im not sure. I've been lost lately. well, since august..I cant sleep at home. I find myself drivin to work at 5 in the morning to get some sleep before work.
My surroundings seem to decieve me. Everything reminds me of her. I paint and think of only her. I write and the only thing that fills my blank pages are thoughts and memories of the time spent with her. I've been working on a letter for about 4 months now. Everytime i see it i rewrite it. Take certain things out and add certain things in. I look like a bum off the street... I havent shaved in months. The more time passes the more its an addiction to paint and write in this journal. It's addicting. All day i think about it. Everything relates to it. Is there a way to ask forgiveness ? Does forgiveness exist for what has happened between us ? who knows.

i just want to go home, but that place no longer exist.

For the few that read this stay tuned.. many things to come.

- efangel

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday Morning

Awesome sunday spent with Christie at the studio

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Some recent photogrpahy

This is the lovely Christie Bulnes

Some GRODY fun...great hair huh

Friday, February 05, 2010

landing on twigs

boom boom said the wild free bird,
its time to wake up and work for nothing,
but he knows not what i do,
its been 4 days since i've felt a warm bed,
seems a lifetime since a felt a warm embrace,
all i do i create fake images of a lieing truth,
where is she that pretty soul, that strong soul,
such a strong soul all the angels know what she does
chirp said the bird,
and this is how i knew it was a she was bringing me,
a message from the past,
birds only speak in vowels,
what does it want to say,
yes i could smell the salt of the ocean but not her hair
and all is black
the bird left

Thursday, February 04, 2010

thought of you

Lately all i could hear is poetry.. all i see is what Ernest Hemingway writes in his blank pages. His love of words is almost exploitive. I dream dreams of days past. When nothing really mattered except waking up and seeing her face. Seeing her smile and holding her in my arms. I miss you...and i have everyday since i lost saw you... This reminded me of a recuring dream im having.. with you

Shake dreams from your hair
My pretty child, my sweet one.
Choose the day and choose the sign of your day
The day's divinity
First thing you see.
A vast radiant beach in a cool jeweled moon
Couples naked race down by it's quiet side
And we laugh like soft, mad children
Smug in the wooly cotton brains of infancy
The music and voices are all around us. Choose they croon the Ancient Ones The time has come again Choose now, they croon Beneath the moon Beside an ancient lake Enter again the sweet forest Enter the hot dream Come with us Everything is broken up and dances.

- Jim Morrison

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Burnt umber studies

I started a study today for my next painting. Started with just a burnt umber sketch but the drawing grew so much i kept it at just burnt umber. looks pretty rad and i think ima do more of these.. this one only too me like 3-4 hours. also what i liked about it is thats a real study of anatomy. In other full color studies i see that i dont give much thought to the anatomy cuhz im so concentrated on color and temperature. trying to get the mixes right. So this was a faster so efficient i guess learning process. although the full color study is still essential and prob my next step i think this is another step added to my process.....

Friday, January 29, 2010


Paint again has become a refuge for me.. in it i find solace. I find i cant sleep at night. Thoughts and regrets haunt my every thought. The note is almost done. How can i put words to something so deep and well.. no words can describe what i feel as of late. Days pass and suns rise as surely they will fall. I stare at the sun of dawn and the days first warmth floods the air. It smells diffrent. But i no longer feel the first lights warmth. It's been 4 days since i slept.
I've been working on this painting for a while now. There are days i don't even paint.. I get to
my studio and sit in front of it and stare. I stare and think.. Think of the past and i take to myself to those days. A happier place. When colors shined bright and the day started with enthusiasm. Now the colors are desaturated and the days start as the one before. They seem dull and repetitive. My first thought and my last thought are if i will ever see her again.