Sunday, April 26, 2009


still workin on the main image. . not sure how thats ganna pan out. .but this pic i thought was great from the set. This is from a photoshoot me and amliv had tryin to recreate some Baroness images from Adam Hughes, just to see if we could. But we didnt have the exact weapons. So we did it.. just not exact. either way we got in the groove and we got some great shots besides the one we originally intended to get. let me know what u guys think of this. i thought this pic inparticular was the hotness ! let me know

Saturday, April 25, 2009

// GRODY //

a storm is comin. Limited test prints and randomness will be available shortly..

Friday, April 24, 2009


Ive notice i get easily distracted by ambient noises in my studio.. i been using the headphones from my iPhone but they get really uncomfortable and the cord is short so today igot some dope fones... they sound awesome so far.. long night of design and music ahead. Hope everyones week was as interesting as mine

>> ROOTS <<

The older i get the more drawn i am to rebeliousness and purity of graf. I have a great respect for the movement. at around age 10, the small (but strong) local graf scene in miami really grabbed my attention. thanks to POSE i began writing and drawing all day everyday. i filled up black books within a week of having it.. from there a couple guys from DAM crew thought me some tricks with an airbrush and i would forever remain dedicated to art. i hate the word artist.. i think its been pretty thinned out to where no one knows exactly what it means.. i think of myself as a painter. heres are a couple contemporary artist grabbing my attention at the moment.



the classic SEEN

FREEK >> miami classic


get it

get it

Thursday, April 23, 2009

monday 4.22

Amliv started work on a new munny last night and wrote up her first GRAFFITI

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Im planning my next painting

im planning my next painting and im excited over it.. i havent been so excited over a painting as the one im currently developing. The one in the images shown below is almost done. a couple more sessions and itll be done. i need to upload a bunch of pics..

amliv in the studio you could see the painting im working on in the backround

a little closer

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Its been since 2006 that i dont update this.. i never really got into it..

but im about to pull off some next level shit !